Mount Nod Primary School


"The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future"  - Theodore Roosevelt

History is vital to a rich and broad primary education. It helps pupils to make sense of the present as well as the past, and to appreciate the complexity and diversity of human societies and development.  

At Mount Nod Primary School, our intent in History is for children to understand and appreciate their time and place in the world.  We aim to inspire pupils' curiosity about the past and understand the process of change. Our lessons will help to provide Mount Nod Historians with an abundance of secure knowledge, vocabulary and historical skills. 

'The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.'  — Winston S. Churchill

Through our carefully planned lessons, we teach children about significant events in history - both in Britain and throughout the World - and help them to place these events chronologically within time periods.  We support children to understand how people's lives have been influenced by past events and we encourage them to make connections and draw contrasts between different time periods. History at our school is taught through themed units - often with an inspirational launch day at the start, or an engaging trip or visit to historical sites in our area.  Our learning objectives draw on knowledge and skills included in the National Curriculum and in Chris Quigley’s Milestones. Pupils’ chronological understanding (their ‘mental timeline’ of the past) is strengthened through cross-curricular links which allow pupils to embed knowledge and make connections more easily. Reading books, which focus on an historical period or event, often provide the inspiration for our writing in English; artwork and artefacts from the past provide ideas for art lessons and geographical understanding is often supported by looking at where in the world events have taken place. History at our school is taught through themed units - often with an inspirational launch day at the start, a celebration afternoon at the end or an engaging trip or visit to historical sites which inspire, enthuse and motivate our pupils to learn about the past.

'Study the past and you would define the future.' — Confucius

Our learning objectives draw on knowledge and skills included in the National Curriculum and in Chris Quigley’s Milestones. This enables the children's skills to progress across the school through the key concepts: investigating and interpreting the past; building an overview of world history; understanding chronology and communicating historically. 

Click here to view our History Milestones

Click here to view the History Programmes of Study (National Curriculum)