Mount Nod Primary School

Welcome to New Pupils & Parents

We can't wait to welcome all our new pupils/parents/carers in September 2024 - we are very excited to get to know you all! 

We would like to welcome you as part of our wonderful community here at Mount Nod Primary School. By choosing our school, you are choosing to join a warm, friendly and supportive environment in which all children can thrive and in which all feel valued and celebrated. At the heart of everything we do is our motto 'Ad Vitam Paramus' - Preparing for Life. Our staff will nurture and prepare your child to reach their full personal, academic and social potential.     
'This is a happy, welcoming school. Pupils said, 'Everyone smiles a lot here!'   Ofsted Report, 2019

At Mount Nod, we really value a partnership approach and strive to work collaboratively and supportively alongside parents and carers to ensure that our pupils have the best experience and education. Our staff will always endeavour to help, guide and indeed listen, at every step of the journey ahead, because we understand that a healthy home-school relationship and balance is key to our children feeling happy, safe and positive in their education.

Once again, welcome to Mount Nod Primary School and we look forward to the adventures ahead! 

Nursery Brochure

Welcome to Nursery Presentation

Am I ready for School? Parent Help Sheet

Pupil Information Form 


  Reception Welcome Booklet & Activity Pack    

  Reception New Parents Booklet 

Am I ready for School? Tips for parents of new starters in September