Attendance and Absence
At Mount Nod School we believe that good attendance and punctuality are key, in ensuring your child receives the best education possible.
We work closely alongside the Local Authority, to monitor attendance and support families to achieve the best possible attendance.
The following leaflets outline Hints and Tips and What Good Attendance Looks Like.
Children at Mount Nod are taught the importance of punctuality and being at school every day. This is reinforced by our weekly trophy, awarded to the class with the highest attendance.
If your child can’t come to school due to illness, or if you need to take your child to a medical appointment during school hours (doctors, dentist, hospital etc) please notify the office. This can be done by telephone message or by a note to the school.
From 1st September 2013, changes have been made to regulations around family holidays during term time.
These amendments make it clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time. If a child is absent from school, it will have to be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
The government have also amended the regulations regarding fixed penalty notices for pupils with unauthorised absences. Full information about these changes can be found on the Department of Education website
Please click to see our full Attendance policy.