Mount Nod Primary School


Mount Nod School is part of a thriving community and we actively encourage all of its members to become involved through a wide range of both formal and informal opportunities.

Parent Teacher Association

Our PTA is a voluntary group of parents who give up their time to organise and run fundraising events for those in our community.

Events include our annual Summer Fair, Christmas Fair and various discos.

The aim is to raise funds to provide ’extras’ for the school and these have included opportunities such as purchasing playground equipment, discos and the final Year 6 social event.

MacmIllan Cancer Support Coffee and Cake Event

Each year, our school host Macmillan coffee and cake afternoons, to raise funds for this wonderful charity. We enjoy inviting parents, carers, grandparents, neighbours and friends from our local community to come and share in this event with us. There is always a fabulous buzz surrounding the occasion and children enjoy contributing their home-made cakes and treats.

End of Year 6 Show

Our Year 6, end of year production is always great fun and is a fantastic opportunity for families and friends to join in the merriment and help to celebrate the various talents that our children possess. Every child in year 6 gets fully involved, whether it be in the acting, singing, lighting, props or scenery and it's a wonderful finale for the children (and their families) before they move onto the next phase of their education.