Mount Nod Primary School


Music can change the world because it can change people.” - Bono, U2

'Music is all around us. It is the soundtrack to our lives. Music connects us through people and places in our ever-changing world. It is creative, collaborative, celebratory and challenging. In our schools, music can bring communities together through the shared endeavour of whole school singing, ensemble playing, experimenting with the creative process and, through the love of listening to friends and fellow pupils, performing' Model Music Curriculum (2021). 

At Mount Nod, we are passionate about music and recognise how it enriches our pupils’ lives. Our intent is to inspire our pupils to develop a love of music and encourage their talent as musicians, increasing their self-confidence, creativity, and sense of achievement. Music has a rare and unique ability to unite people and music making can create a sense of connection and belonging within a whole class, school, and community. Therefore, we aim to provide enriching opportunities for our pupils to experience and perform music instrumentally, vocally or through music technology. 

“Where words fail, music speaks.” — Hans Christian Andersen

To deliver high-quality and engaging music lessons, we use the world-leading and award winning Charanga platform with its combination of solid pedagogy, inspiring technology, great music, and resources. The inclusive lessons ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to express themselves musically and realise their creative potential.

It is important to us that every child has the opportunity to learn several instruments during their time at Mount Nod. Each child learns to play the glockenspiel and recorder, and guitar and ukulele lessons are also offered as extra-curricular lessons on Tuesdays with a peripatetic teacher from Create Music. Not only do our pupils get the opportunity to learn an instrument, but they will also learn to read music. We currently have almost fifty children enjoying these lessons. Pupils also get the opportunity to perform to the whole school and to the community in special music assemblies each year. Creating opportunities to celebrate, share and experience music of all kinds consolidates the learning within our music curriculum and develops a sense of confidence, ownership, and respect.

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."  - Victor Hugo

Alongside learning instruments, Mount Nod children learn to sing with increased confidence and control as they progress through the year groups. This is taught in both music lessons and whole school singing assemblies each week. Our pupils often get to showcase their musical talents and share their joy for singing at celebration assemblies such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter, city-wide musical events like 'The Big Sing' and in the annual Year 6 production. 

To help our children appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live music they have the opportunity each year to go to the theatre and we invite diverse musical groups into school. Previous visitors have included rock bands, Jeff Rich from Status Quo, and classical guitarists. 

Our engaging visitors and trips provide children with firsthand experiences to inspire them, and we aim to equip children with the knowledge and skills to develop a keen interest and a love of learning in music.

Using the Milestones alongside our music scheme enables planning for progression and provides assessment opportunities to ensure that our pupils are given enriching experiences and can appreciate, appraise, and create music confidently.

Click here to view our Music Milestones

Click here to view the Music Programmes of Study (National Curriculum)