Mount Nod Primary School

Our Curriculum

At Mount Nod, we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that:

  • Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental, and physical development of pupils at the school and of society.
  • Prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of later life.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils have access to all that the National Curriculum offers and more. The National Curriculum subjects have been organised into themes with consideration given to how learning within each subject is connected and sequenced (where curriculum content is not strengthened or supported by a thematic approach, it is taught in discrete lessons). 

We aim to provide every child with the key skills they require, to achieve in all subjects and develop confidence and a love of learning that will be with them for their whole life, through high quality teaching and learning experiences. To achieve this we use the Essentials Curriculum by Chris Quigley. This sets out the essential coverage, learning objectives and standards which are required for all subjects alongside progress measures.

The curriculum builds progressively from EYFS to Year 6 and aligns to the National Curriculum.  This is done through Milestones. There are three milestones - Milestone 1 (Years 1 and 2), Milestone 2 (Years 3 and 4) and Milestone 3 (Years 5 and 6). Within each Milestone, children develop the knowledge and transferable skills which allow them to access all areas of the curriculum. Children work through three developmental stages : Basic, Advancing  and Deep, this is dependent on their cognitive development and confidence. This works perfectly in our mixed age year group setting as all children can work at different levels of depth on a skill, across a two-year cycle. 

 For more information about the Milestones please click here.