Mount Nod Primary School

Year 3/4 Curriculum

Welcome to Year 3/4!

Please click on this link to find our welcome letter

Homework will be communicated via Class Dojo. This will be set weekly on a Friday and your child will have to complete this by the following Wednesday. There will be at least one maths and one English-based task set each week. Termly topic-based homework projects will also be set. Please click here for more information about accessing the Class Dojo site. 

PE lessons will take place on the following days:

3/4H - Wednesdays (indoor) and Thursdays ( Sky Blues in the Community)

3/4W - Wednesdays (indoor) & Thursdays ( Sky Blues in the Community)

3/4R - Wednesdays (indoor) & Thursdays ( Sky Blues in the Community)

Please come to school dressed in appropriate school uniform PE kits on those days. See our school uniform policy here in the policies tab.

Reading diaries and books will be given to each child with the expectation that they read each night at home. 

Please contact your child's class teacher if you experience any problems using this site. You can also use our dedicated email address to contact teachers in the 3/4 team:  or contact us via the Class Dojo pages for your child's class (this is the quickest method).

Learning Overviews 2024/2025

 Autumn Term Overview 

Spring Term Overview

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check 

Please click here for information regarding the Year 4 multiplication tables check.

Please click here for Government information regarding multiplication tables check.

Year 3/4 Spelling Lists

Handwriting guidance poster and examples 

Extra ideas and challenges - Please click here