Friday 10 January 2025 Attendance Awards Today we had a special assembly to award exceptional attendance in the Autumn Term. Almost 60 pupils achieved 100% attendance which is quite remarkable considering all the colds, flu and bugs that were circulating last term!
Friday 20 December 2024 Goodbye Mrs Guest Today wasn't just a fun day to celebrate Christmas with our pupils at the end of term, it was also a very special day to celebrate the wonderful Mrs Guest, who is leaving us after 20 years of supporting the children, families and staff at Mount Nod. Mrs Guest has been a familiar face at the school gates each day, welcoming the children in to school and has been a huge part of life at Mount Nod. She has nurtured and supported countless children on their journey through our school and our pupils gave her a lovely send off today in our assembly for her. We will all miss her very much and am sure that you join us in wishing her the very best of luck in this next chapter of her life. Bon voyage and good luck Mrs Guest, from us all at Mount Nod.
Friday 20 December 2024 Carols on the Green We would like to say a huge thank you to family, friends and local residents who supported our Reception and Year 6 children at the Mount Nod 'Carols on the Green' carol concert yesterday evening in aid of Archie's Smile. It was a wonderful evening . The children started on Tudor Avenue and made their way down to the One Stop on Alderminster Road singing songs, dancing and smiling all the way! Aman from the One Stop kindly gave a drink to every child and the One Stop and the Round Table generously donated £200! Added to the collection from family and local residents, the children managed to raise a whopping £338.36 which will go directly to the Archie's Smile charity. Again, we cannot express our thanks enough to you all for making this event such a magical community experience and for really getting everyone into the Christmas spirit!
Friday 6 December 2024 Christmas Jumper Day! We will be celebrating Christmas Jumper day, next week, on the 12th December. If you would like to join in, come along in your favourite Christmas jumper next Thursday. We are requesting a donation of £1 and all money raised will go to the Save the Children charity.Many thanks for your support.Miss Smith
Friday 6 December 2024 Christmas Raffle We will be having a Christmas raffle in school with the chance of winning some great prizes. Included are these fantastic ‘Elf on a Shelf’ donated by Roxanne Naisbett from Sustainable Building Services. Tickets will go on sale next week at 20p a ticket. All money raised will go to school funds to buy new book titles for story time for all year groups. The raffle draw will take place on the last day of school (20th December).Good luck,Miss Smith
Thursday 5 December 2024 Pantomime Comes to Mount Nod! Pantomime in schoolIt is lovely and Christmassy in school at the moment with all the decorations up around the classrooms . Next week we will really be in the Christmas spirit when we have the pantomime in school “Oh no we haven’t”"OH YES WE HAVE!"The actors will be coming in on Tuesday morning to do two performances. The first to Nursery, reception and KS1 and then another to KS2. We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £3. The office have set it up on School Gateway for you to make a cashless payment. If this causes any problem, please pop into the school office for assistance.We are sure the children will have lots of fun watching and joining in with this year’s production.Thank you for your support with this.Miss Smith
Wednesday 20 November 2024 School Photographs Good afternoon. Please see the following reminder about school photographs on Friday. A School Comms email has been sent to all parents where you will find the link, or you can use the one below. Many thanks.Dear Parent/Carer,IMPORTANT – REGISTER TO VIEW SCHOOL PHOTOSExciting news! Carmel Jane Photography will be visiting our School on the 22nd November, to take Individual & Sibling photos.All parents are requested to pre-register for instant access to your child’s photographs once they are ready, pre-registration is required for every photo shoot.Register in 3 easy steps in less than a minute:Head to your unique code JRXYDRA2TXInclude your child’s full school register name.Don't miss out - pre-register today!Kind regards,Natalie EvasonCarmel Jane Photography
Thursday 14 November 2024 Children in Need A reminder that it’s Children in Need day tomorrow and children have voted to come into school dressed in pyjamas.In addition to the £1 donation and loose change being collected on the gates, we will be raffling a lovely Pudsey Bear Glass Light Catcher ornament made by Emma Lynch. Raffle tickets cost £1 and all proceeds will go to Children in Need. Children can buy the raffle tickets in school tomorrow.To find out more about this incredible and essential charity please click on this link
Sunday 10 November 2024 Remembrance Day Remembrance Day (also called Armistice Day or Poppy Day) is a memorial day held in Commonwealth countries, such as the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. Remembrance Day is all about commemorating those who have died serving their country in the armed forces. It also honours and supports veterans of combat.
Thursday 7 November 2024 Remembrance Day Remembrance Day will be marked at Mount Nod Primary School with a special assembly and a one minute silence on Monday 11th November. We will remember the Armed Forces, and their families, from Britain and the Commonwealth, the vital role played by the emergency services and those who have lost their lives as a result of conflict. In school, we teach that Remembrance does not glorify war but that the red poppy, is a sign of both Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. Tomorrow, there will be snaps bands and other items on sale in school for a contribution of £1 which will be sent directly to the Royal British Legion. To find out more about the work that they do for war veterans please click the link below. Thank you for your support.
Wednesday 6 November 2024 Mount Nod PTA - AGM Please see the attached information from our fabulous PTA who welcome you to attend their annual general meeting on November 13th.
Thursday 31 October 2024 Happy Diwali! We wish all of our families at Mount Nod a very happy Diwali and wish you health and happiness for the year ahead!
Thursday 31 October 2024 Happy Halloween! Halloween, also known as All Halloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a festival celebrated all over the world on October 31st every year. It is mainly celebrated in the western world and has its origins in Celtic traditions. If you'd like an overview on Halloween's history, and a quickfire answer to 'what is Halloween' take a look at the video by clicking the link below:
Tuesday 22 October 2024 Children and Young People Mental Health Services Directory Please see the attached flyer for more information on how you can find services in Coventry to support your child's mental health.
Tuesday 22 October 2024 Reception Open Mornings If you are interested in a place for your child in reception, please come and have a look around! We are offering two dates for prospective parents and children to come and see how brilliant our school is.
Wednesday 16 October 2024 Internet Safety Workshops ??Internet Safety Workshops for Parents & Carers??On October 22nd and October 24th, West Midlands Police will be delivering a FREE ONLINE SAFETY workshop for parents and carers living in Coventry.Please see the flyer attached to find out more.
Wednesday 16 October 2024 October Half-Term at the Coventry Family Hubs Whether you’re a parent with young children, teenager, or anyone in between, a Coventry Family Hub is the place to go to connect you with the help and guidance to ensure you receive the right help at the right time with the right people. See the attached flyer for information on events happening over October Half-term for your family.
Friday 11 October 2024 Harvest Festival Assembly We will be holding our Harvest Assembly on Friday 25th October at 9.15am. We are again collecting donations of tins and non-perishable items to support the CoventryFoodbank charity. Items they are requesting are cereals, UHT long-life milk, fruit juice or squash, instant mash potato, tinned tomatoes and biscuits. All items donated will becollected in your child’s classroom. For more information about Coventry Foodbank and the wonderful work they do, follow this link:
Friday 11 October 2024 Star of the Week Well done to our 'Stars of the Week' this week. It was lovely to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our fabulous pupils as always! This week we had awards given for everything from overcoming challenges and having an excellent attitude, to being role models in school. Thank you to the parents and family who were able to attend today. Have a great weekend. ???
Tuesday 8 October 2024 St James Superhero Light Party! Superhero Light PartySt.James Church are having a family event on October 31st. It is a Superhero Light Party with hot dogs, messy games, crafts and much more. Pop along for some superhero fun between 5-6:30pm. All welcome.
Monday 7 October 2024 Spanish Club Spanish after school club is up and running in the Autumn term on Mondays 15:20-16:20.We have 2 clubs, one for KS1 and one for KS2.In both clubs, the children will learn key Spanish words and phrases through catchy songs and a variety of activities.Spaces are available in the KS2 club (KS1 has a waiting list).If you would like to book your child a place, please follow this link:Mount Nod Primary School Spanish after school clubs for KS1 and KS2 on Mondays:
Friday 4 October 2024 Star of the Week Well done to all of our amazing Stars of the Week. Not only was our assembly jam-packed with brilliant children celebrating their achievements but our lucky parents and carers were also treated to some lovely singing from the children too. We hope it set the tone for a lovely weekend ahead! Thank you to everyone who was able to attend today ??
Friday 4 October 2024 NSPCC Assembly Please see the attached letter for details of NSPCC themed assemblies which will happen next week.Thank you
Friday 27 September 2024 Leave of Absence Forms At Mount Nod School we value the attendance of all pupils. There is a strong relationship between good school attendance and achieving positive outcomes for children. It is recognised that attending school regularly can be a protective factor for children and young people. It is important that as a school we offer a safe environment, positive relationships, high quality teaching and learning opportunities to develop social and emotional skills. Ensuring that children attend school every day will help achieve this ambition by maximising their education and social achievements as well as developing self-discipline, organisation and preparedness for the work environment. Improving attendance and reducing absence, especially persistent absence is a priority for our school and Coventry City Council.
Friday 27 September 2024 Stars of the Week It was another great end to the week in our Star of the Week Assembly today. Lots of lovely certificates were awarded for hard work and effort. Our pupils always try their best, so it's great to be able to celebrate with them in our special assembly.Thank you to all the parents, family and friends who were able to come and help celebrate with the children today. Have a great weekend!
Friday 20 September 2024 Make, Bake or Donate Appeal for cakesPlease send in cakes from Monday 23rd September to Monday 30th September to help support our traditional Macmillan ‘Tea and Cakes’ afternoon. If you have a spare minute or two to do some baking or can buy some cakes and send them in, we would be very grateful. Please can you avoid products that contain nuts as we have a number of pupils in school who have nut allergies.All money raised will be given to the Macmillan Charity. If you are unable to attend one of the events that will be taking place on the 25th September to 30th September, there may be cakes left over that children could buy in school on Tuesday 1st October at 50p each. This is a lovely way to contribute and help us raise money for this very worthy charity.The letters have gone out for you to book places at our Macmillan Afternoons so please book the number of seats required and send it back to us as soon as you can.Thank you for your continued support
Tuesday 17 September 2024 Chatterbooks Reading Workshops at Tile Hill Library ??Tile Hill Library are offering some fun reading workshops for children aged 8-12, in October, November and December. Please click on the link for more information ??
Friday 13 September 2024 Stars of the Week We've had a wonderful end to the week at Mount Nod, celebrating the amazing accomplishments of our pupils in our Star of the Week assembly. Today we had some super awards given for hard work, enthusiasm, being kind and making a great start to the year. We also had 11 pupils who received a 100% attendance certificate as they didn't miss one day of school last year! Wow - that's impressive!As always, it was lovely to see so many proud parents, friends and family attending the assembly too. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and that the sun keeps shining wherever you are! ?????????
Friday 13 September 2024 MacMillan Coffee and Cake Afternoons As a charity close to our hearts, we will raising money for MacMillan Cancer Support, by hosting our annual MacMillan Coffee and Cake afternoons at school this month. We invite parents, grandparents, family and friends into school to have tea/coffee and cake with the children and help raise vital funds for this incredible charity. Due to the huge popularity of this event, we have arranged separate afternoons for each year group. Letters will soon be coming home so that you can book seats, but here are the dates in advance:
Wednesday 4 September 2024 Flu Vaccination Link Issue For parents trying to consent online for flu vaccinations, the NHS link is experiencing some IT issues which they are addressing today. Hopefully the link will be up and running very soon. Best wishes.